Barbara Johnson, a member of the Guam CEDDERS Advisory Council and the GSAT Advisory Council, was a guest speaker in Terrie Fejarang’s SW 400: Fields of Social Work Practice class on October 6, 2017. Ms. Johnson spoke about her experiences as a person who is deaf and offered tips to the budding social workers on how to communicate with people who are deaf. Shown in Front Row (L-R): Destiny Estrellado, Tasi Anghet Martinez, Barbara Johnson, Serene Pecha, Joyce Borja, Alisia Barcinas, and Mariecar Patino. Back Row: Mike Acosta, LeoneaPeter, Joe Taijeron, Julio Gomez, Micheal Petitte, Ryan Manglona, Onania Sniverly, and Adrian Davis.Joyce Borja, (right) engages in one on one conversation with Barbara Johnson (left), guest speaker, on October 6.