Leah Abelon provided to the School of Health Team, a Guam CEDDERS Pripara Hao Emergency Preparedness Guide for Persons with Disabilities, Behavioral Health and Disabilities Glossary in Chamoru, and Guam Directory Services for Individuals with Disabilities. Pictured above from (l-r): Leah Abelon, Guam CEDDERS, GSAT coordinator; Janice Ada, Education and Training Coordinator, School of Health; Veronica B. Alave, MSN/ED, RN, School of Health; Margaret Hattori-Uchima, RN, PhD, Dean, School of Health/Assistant Professor, Nursing; Janice Ada, Education and Training Coordinator, School of Health. Not pictured: Jaysleen Lainos, Social Work Intern student and Clarissa Leon Guerrero, Social Work Intern student.February 5th, GSAT conducted an AT presentation for UOG’s School of Health team. The focus was exploring possible AT devices to assist with dementia patients. Pictured above from (l-r): Veronica B. Alave, MSN/ED, RN, School of Health; Clarissa Leon Guerrero, Social Work Intern student; Margaret Hattori-Uchima, RN, PhD, Dean, School of Health/Assistant Professor, Nursing; Jaysleen Lainos, Social Work Intern student; Tricia Nguyen, Extension Associate, School of Health; Janice Ada, Education and Training Coordinator, School of Health. Not pictured: Leah Abelon, Guam CEDDERS, GSAT coordinator.